Sorry, for the delay, since writing my last blog! I want to continue with the case study theme. I think it is important to understand that is not until an individual experience a Zero Balancing session, can they fully understand the beauty of Zero Balancing and how it facilitates our own bodies natural healing potential. So, having said that, I invite anyone to experience one and judge for yourself.

For my second case study, I would like to talk about a client that was referred to me, that was recently diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, who I will call “The Golfer”.  “The Golfer” is a retired butcher, that leads an active lifestyle, spending time outdoors with family and friends and yes enjoys playing golf. The tremors associated with Parkinson’s have become more apparent over the last couple of months and was recently started on Levodopa.

As, always we ask each of our clients, “How would like to feel after today’s session?  “The Golfer” wanted to feel more relaxed, noting that having an increase in stress exacerbated the tremors.  During, the first session it was noted that the tremors were absent, especially as the session progressed to the opposite leg of the affected side.  “The Golfer” felt more balanced and sturdy walking and standing after the first session. Before, the second session the “Golfer” reported a sharp pain throughout the mid back, that wrapped around to the ribs on the right side. The session progressed and as with the first session, the tremors in the right hand were absent.  Prior to the third session the rib pain/mid back pain was gone, and the “Golfer” continued to feel more balanced while standing and walking.

With each Zero Balancing session the “golfer” continues to report a decrease in stress and a more secure feeling while standing and walking.  The “golfers” stress level has a direct impact on the frequency and duration of the tremors.  I think that his “Frame,” for each session is about stress reduction. Each session is about calming the central nervous system and allowing energy to flow to areas that in some cases are diminished or even absent.  Again, I invite anyone who is reading my blogs or is curious about receiving a Zero Balancing session to contact me for a session.  I look forward to hearing from you!

Thank you and Be Well,

James Ross, BSN, RN, LMT

Zero Balancing Practitioner

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